The Fictional Job — How to use a role that does not exist to build a lead pool

4 min readJan 31, 2023

On the sixteenth of November, 2022, a friend sent me a seemingly innocuous post on Facebook made by a woman, who for the purpose of this piece I will refer to as Adanne. Now, and I feel this is important, at that point, I was spending less and less time on Facebook, and more and more time on Twitter, so much so that if someone close to me wanted me to see anything of interest on Facebook, they'd have to either tag me or share it with me via WhatsApp.

Which was exactly how I got to know about this beautiful, interesting, post by Adanne. A post so good I felt it was going to help me escape the trenches. Perhaps not completely but at least, for a period of time, no matter how brief. So what my friend, was this post all about?

Adanne, apparently with my best interests at heart, made a post about an opportunity. an open job position for a private tutor who would be willing to teach a particular subject over zoom. What subject is this, I asked myself, as I skimmed through the lengthy post in search of this important piece of the puzzle. Igbo! Ahan. This looks good, I mused to myself while I licked my lower lip in one swift tongue movement. It was. It went on to say a few things about prior experience teaching the subject and some other things that I felt were unnecessary word salad. Because, as far as pure competency in the subject went, I was pretty confident in my chances to land that role.

